
Facility Plan

Description of the Midvale School District

The school buildings of the Midvale School District #433 are four:  the 30,672 square foot main building which houses the classrooms, gym, weight room, computer lab, library, cafeteria/multipurpose room, and science lab; a 6,000 square foot agriculture shop; 960 square foot music room; and a 1,000 square foot alternative school/classroom.

The main building is really one building with sections added over the years:  the original central section built in 1915, a secondary classroom addition built in 1931; four elementary classrooms and the main gym added in 1952; two elementary classrooms, cafeteria/kitchen, and locker rooms built in 1963; science lab extending from the high school completed in 1969; weight room completed in 2003 and a computer lab completed in 2011.

The 1,900 square foot agricultural shop was constructed in 1947 as a bus barn, though it was never used for that.  The horse barn and sheds burned about the same time, and the original structure became the shop.  In 1959 a 960 square foot classroom was attached to the shop which was used for the Ag classes and computer based instruction. During the summer of 2007 the classroom was remodeled is being utilized as a music room and the shop area for storage.

The forth little building, which is located across the street from the main school complex, is utilized as an alternative school site.  This building was originally the Dixie School.  In 1947 it was moved into town and set up across from the main building for additional space.  It maintains the floor plan of the old one room school house – a single large room with a cloak room and bathroom on either side of the entrance. In 2002 the building was renovated with a ramp and bathroom to meet ADA requirements. In 2009 another 276 square foot room was added to the West side of the Alternative building to provide additional instructional space.

The community served by the District is a small rural one, with a population of about 160 in Midvale itself and additional patrons living in the surrounding area.  Geographically the district covers a large territory: from the Snake River on the west, to the Council Mountains on the east, and adjoins Weiser on the Midvale Hill and Cambridge north of the canyon.  It has maintained a rather constant school population over the decades and no major increases or decreases are expected in the near future.

Washington County is an economically stressed county of Idaho, and Midvale is an economically stressed part of that county.  Within the district there are a few very large ranches, but most are smaller properties or renters.  The school has about 61% of our students eligible for free and reduced lunch, and also about 34% of the students in one of the compensatory education programs.

Capacity Additions or Reductions

The school serves 122 students K-12, and has a staff of 25.  The staff includes two part time administrators, 5 classified employees, 16 certified teachers, and 3paraprofessionals.  In most cases the elementary classes are doubled.  The district offers a pre-K two ½ days a week as there is none in the community.  Student enrollment over the past 20 years has been relatively constant.


Student Facilities:

  1. Elementary Wing
Grade/Department # Rooms Capacity Recommended 2013 Actual
 Pre-School 1 20 20 6
Kindergarten 1 20 20 10
1st grade 1 20 20 8
2nd &3rd grade 1 25 20 15
4th &5th 1 25 20 15
Library 1 20 30 18
Speech 1 2 2 2


2. Secondary Wing

Department # Rooms Capacity Recommended 2013 Maximum
Gym 1 300
Business 1 20 26 18
Science 1 25 26 20
6th grade 1 10 26 10
Art 1 10 26 5
English 1 20 26 18
Social Studies 1 20 26 18
Math 1 20 26 15
FCS 1 20 26 12
Weight Room 1 20 26 15
Locker Rooms 2 30 26 24
Conference 1 40 26 30





3. Vocational Building

Department Rooms Capacity Recommended Anticipated Maximum
Wood Working 1 50 26 15
Metal Shop 1 50 26 15
Classroom 1 30 26 15



  1. Music
Department Room Capacity Recommended Anticipated Maximum
Classroom 1 30 26 25



  1. Alternative
Department Rooms Capacity Recommended Anticipated Maximum
Classroom 1 25 20 15
Classroom 1 15 10 7


Building Conditions


  1. No code issues exist at the current time.  See enclosed Division of Building Safety report and response.
  2. Facility maintenance and construction plan:  See attached List.


Educational Suitability


Although most buildings are of a considerable age the district has maintained the facilities well over the years.  In the last 6 years, in addition to room additions and building maintenance upgrades the district has also made considerable progress in upgrading electrical and technology capabilities. Based on past enrollment statics, the current facilities are adequate.




Enrollment History
School Years 2006-2007 to 2013-2014
Grade Level 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Kindergarten 11 4 5 7 4 8 5 11
1st 8 8 7 5 6 4 6 7
2nd 5 8 8 7 5 6 7 7
3rd 6 5 10 7 10 5 6 8
4th 7 8 6 12 8 11 5 8
5th 6 9 8 6 10 8 9 7
6th 8 8 8 8 7 11 5 8
Totals 51 50 52 52 50 53 43 56
7th 6 11 8 7 9 8 11 7
8th 11 7 12 9 7 10 7 15
9th 8 14 9 11 9 7 12 9
10th 19 9 13 10 9 11 10 14
11th 13 22 10 13 13 9 5 12
12th 12 16 23 16 18 10 15 9
Totals 69 79 75 66 65 55 60 66
 Mobility Rate  30.47%  33.09%
DISTRICT TOTALS 120 129 127 118 115 108 103 122


Technology Readiness

All buildings are connected through the local telephone company with DSL. All classrooms have projectors and screens or Smart Boards. There are also several portable projectors available. There is an IEN site in the main building and in the Alternative Building. Wiring upgrades for power and network connectivity have been made to both the main building and the Alternative building. We are in the process of installing several wireless access points and looking at portable tablet pc labs for use in the classrooms.


ADA Accessibility

With the exception of the high school office, middle school basement classroom and business room the facilities meets ADA requirements.  The district has plans to build a new gymnasium with 4 classrooms, which would alleviate the middle school classrooms as an ADA issue.  Students who require ADA considerations are provided services in ADA accessible facilities.

Site Improvements
  1. Elementary playground equipment is in need of upgrades.  The district has plans to replace or add additional equipment as funds become available.
  2. An automated sprinkler system has been installed for the West lawn area with plans to for installation for all grass covered areas as funds become available.
  3. AT&T installed a cell tower north of the vocational building in 2013.  The baseball diamond/backstop will be moved to the north/west corner of the district property by the spring of 2014.
  4. Exterior bleachers that are in disrepair will be disassembled by the spring of 2014,
  5. A community/school electronic sign was erected on the corner of Bridge Street and Hwy 95 in the fall of 2013.
  6. A tennis court located on the south/east corner of the district complex has been disassembled and will be the site for the gymnasium and classrooms.
  7. There is a need to construct a sidewalk from the elementary to the bus-pickup located on the south end of the tennis court.  This will be constructed as funds become available.

Energy Efficiency

  1. The alternative school building windows will need to be replaced and wall/ceiling insulation condition evaluated.
  2. The district has plans to replace the oil furnace heating systems with energy efficient heat pumps for the alternative school, music building, multipurpose and high school science, social studies, English rooms.   In addition the district is exploring the possibility of installing a radiant heat system for the gymnasium.

Facility Maintenance/Construction Projects and Estimated Costs


Project Year Category Costs
Lighting Annual Health/Safety/Environment $1500
Replacement of Gym Bleachers 2017 Health/Safety $50,000
Storage Building  renovation 2016 Safety/Environment $10,,000
Entrance Doors Electronic Locks 2014 Security/Safety $15,000
Music Room Heating System 2014 Conservation/Environment $10,000
Alternative Building Heating System 2015 Conservation/Environment $10,000
Replace lighting Gym 2014 Environment/Conservation $6,000
Insulate Elementary Roof 2015 Environment/Conservation $ 7,000
Replace/lower ceiling in secondary Math/English/History Rooms 2019 Environment/Conservation $20,000
Replace Kitchen Freezer & Walk-in Cooler 20016 Health/Safety/Conservation $15,000
Upgrade Elementary Playground 2014 Health/Safety/Environment $30,000
Sprinkler System: East playground 2014 Conservation/Environment $10,000
Sprinkler System: Football Field 2015 Conservation/Environment $20,000
Sprinkler System: Alternative 2016 Conservation/Environment $3,000
Reside Alternative School 2017 Conservation/Environment $5,000
Gymnasium& 4 classrooms 2019 Environment/Safety $1,500,000




Facility No: E-433-0001

Inspection Date: 04/08/2013

Owner: Midvale School District #433


Midvale Jr/Sr High School

Bridge Street & School Road

Midvale, ID 83645


  1. IGSHS 111.04g. REPEAT Science lab, Material Safety Data Sheets shall be readily available for all chemical, substances, and materials in the laboratory and chemical storage room.
  • Response: Material data sheets will be updated to include quantities and expiration dates. Copies will be made and submitted to superintendent and kept in chemical room. Science teachers will complete this update by June 1, 2013.


  1. IGSHS 150.09g. REPEAT Science lab Chemical room). Highly recommend that GFCI protection be provided for electric receptacles for sinks within 6 feet of a water source.
  • Response: GFCI receptacles will be replaced in Science lab and Chemical room by June 1, 2013



  1. IGSHS 111.07b. REPEAT Science room. Laboratories are required to have a spill control kit (absorbent & neutralizer).
  • Response: A spill control kit will be purchased and made available prior to August 15, 2013.


  1. IGSHS 111.06h. Chemistry Lab. No dated chemical inventory. An inventory, which is updated periodically (recommended annually), of all chemicals shall be maintained and be readily available.
  • Response: Material data sheets will be updated to include quantities and expiration dates. Copies will be made and submitted to superintendent and kept in chemical room. Science teachers will complete this update by June 1, 2013.


  1. IGSHS 111.06h. Chemistry lab. A chemical hygiene plan with MSDS, chemical inventory and emergency action procedures needs to be maintained in the science room. A periodically updated inventory of all chemicals is required to be maintained. The employer shall develop a chemical hygiene plan and have it available

*Response:  A chemical hygiene plan will be included with the updates made to the chemical inventory by June 1, 2013


  1. 2009 IFC, 405.5. District wide. Fire drill logs are incomplete. Records shall be maintained of required emergency evacuation drills and include the following information: 1. Identity of the person conducting the drill. 2. Date and time of the drill. 3. Notification method used. 4. Staff members on duty and participating. 5. Number of occupants evacuated. 6. Special conditions simulated. 7… 8. Weather conditions when occupants were evacuated. 9. Time required to accomplish and complete evacuation.

* Response: Fire drill logs will be updated by August 1, 2013 to include 1. Identification of the person conducting the drill. Notification method used 3. Staff members on duty and participating 4. Number of occupants evacuated 5. Special conditions simulated 6. Weather conditions when occupants were evacuated 7. Time required to accomplish and complete evacuation


  1. 2009 IFC, 404.3.2 District wide. Fire evacuation maps are incomplete. Fire safety plans shall include the following: Floor plans identifying the locations as follows: exits, primary evacuation routes, secondary evacuation routes, accessible egress points, areas of refuge, manual fire alarm boxes, portable fire extinguishers, occupant-use hose stations, fire alarm enunciators’ and controls.

* Response: Fire evacuation floor maps will be updated to include: exits, primary evacuation routes, secondary evacuation routes, accessible egress points, areas of refuge, manual fire alarm boxes, portable fire extinguishers, occupant-use hose stations, fire alarm enunciators’ and controls by August 15, 2013.


  1. IDAPA District wide. No documentation to show staff has been trained in the handling and use of fire extinguishers. Where portable fire extinguishers are provided for employee use in the workplace, the employer shall provide an educational program to familiarize applicable employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient fire-fighting. The employer shall provide fire extinguisher training upon initial employment and at least annually thereafter (for example: viewing a training video).

* Response: A video containing the content of general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient fire-fighting will be shown annually to all staff members at the first school-wide in-service day in August.


  1. IGSHS 110.06i. Hallway obstructed with backpacks. Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in corridors unless the corridor area is protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system, or a smoke detection system, or storage is in metal lockers, provided that the required egress width is maintained.
  • Response: Metal lockers are currently provided for students, although some backpacks may be too large to fit properly.  Appropriate storage will be installed for back pack or student articles that are too large to fit into metal lockers by August 15, 2013.


Facility No: E-433-0003 Inspector: GARY BORDNER

Inspection Date: 04/08/2013

Owner: Midvale School District #433


Midvale Elementary School

Bridge Street & School Road

Midvale, ID 83645


1. IGSHS 301.04e. District wide. There are NO written Hazard Communication Programs for Custodial and Food Service staff. The employer shall make the written hazard communication program available upon request, to employees, their designated representatives, and representatives of the Department.

* Response: A written Hazard Communication procedure will be included in the School Security Plan that is currently being developed and will be complete prior to August 15, 2013.


2. 2003 IFC 1004.3. Cafeteria and Gym. The Maximum Occupancy Limits for these areas needs to be calculated and properly posted. Every room or space that is assembly occupancy shall have the occupant load of the room or space posted in a conspicuous space, near the main exit or exit access doorway from the room or space. Posted signs shall be of an approved legible permanent design and shall be maintained by the owner or authorized agent.

* Response: The county building inspector is currently working with the district’s maintenance supervisor to determine the maximum occupancy limits for the gymnasium and multi-purpose rooms.  The posting for Maximum Occupancy Limits will be posted by August 15, 2013.


3. IGSHS 042.03b. Bathrooms need emergency lights. Emergency lighting is required for windowless rooms and areas.

* Response: Emergency lights will be installed in the secondary bathrooms prior to August 15, 2013.


4. 2006 IMC 504.6.1. Need to provide documentation to show that the existing dryer ductwork complies with manufacturer’s instructions. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet from the dryer location to the outlet terminal. The maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2 1/2 feet for each 45 degree bend and 5 feet for each 90 degree bend. The maximum length of the exhaust duct does not include the transition duct.

* Response: The district maintenance supervisor will research and determine if the current dryer ductwork complies with manufactures recommendations.  If the dryer exhaust system does not meet specifications, the dryer will be either disposed of or replace with a dryer and exhaust system that meets this standard.


Facility No: E-433-0004 Inspector: GARY BORDNER

Inspection Date: 04/08/2013

Owner: Midvale School District #433


Music / Storage

Bridge Street & School Road

Midvale, ID 83645



1. 2006 NEC 210.8B4. Exterior electrical outlets need to be GFCI protected. All 125-volt, single phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacle outlets installed outdoors shall have GFCI protection. Outdoors in public spaces-for the purpose of this section a public space is defined as any space that is for use by, or is accessible to, the public.

* Response:  All electrical outlets that do not meet GFCI specifications will be replaced by June 1, 2013.


Facility No: E-433-0006 Inspector: GARY BORDNER

Inspection Date: 04/08/2013

Owner: Midvale School District #433


Playground/ Athletic Field

Bridge Street & School Rd.

Midvale, ID 83645


1. IGSHS 140.10g. The merry-go-round needs a means to govern the maximum speed of rotation. A means shall be provided to limit the peripheral speed of rotation of the merry-go-round platform to a maximum of thirteen feet per second.

* Response: A device to govern the maximum speed that will limit the maximum speed of rotation for the merry-go-round to thirteen feet per second will be installed by August 15, 2013.


Facility No: E-433-0007 Inspector: GARY BORDNER

Inspection Date: 04/08/2013

Owner: Midvale School District #433


Vo – Ag Shop

Bridge Street & School Rd.

Midvale, ID 83645


1. IGSHS 150.09f&g. Classroom. Electrical outlets located by both sinks. Electrical outlets within six feet of sinks need to be GFCI protected. GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection needs to be provided for electric receptacles for kitchens, bathrooms and wet bar sinks within 6 feet of a water source.

* Response: The electrical outlets next to the sinks in the vocational agriculture building will be replaced with GFCI outlets by June 1, 2013.