
Spring Break March 17-21

PTCs 3/27 (4pm-7pm) and 3/28 (8am-noon)

Job Openings: The Midvale School District is hiring for the position of Agriculture Science and Technology position. If you think that you might be a qualified candidate for this position, please submit a job application, a letter of interest and a resume to Superintendent KyLee Morris. Applications and other documents can be emailed ( or delivered in person to the district office at 56 School Road, Midvale ID 83645. Further information on this position can be found by clicking on this link:

This institution is an equal opportunity employer. This position is open until filled.

Wrestling State Medalists: Bill Avery 4th -120lbs, Jace Waggoner 4th-150lbs, Eli Noah 1st–175 lbs, Wyatt Moura 6th–175lbs, Elias DeVries 4th-190 lbs, Charlee Noah 2nd–120lbs

Congratulations to the FCCLA State Qualifiers!!! Kearney Adams, Danner Morris, Emma Mikek, Lola Warren, Stella Warren, Morgan Tabert, Kali Waggoner, Reese LaFollette, Kyra Lincoln, Kaydence Adams, & Morghan Cardenas.

T-Week King Moyne Ingram and Queen Kiley Whiting.

Custom chicken house built by the woodshop.

8th grade cutting boards.

Congratulations to the Titan FB Team!! 3rd in STATE!!!!

AR Summer Readers earned a trip to JUMPTIME!!